Home Learning

Home learning matters

Home learning at secondary school is usually more formal and demanding than at primary school, so when home and school work together, your child will benefit. It is important that you continue to take an active interest in your child’s schooling and home learning, in ways that work for you and your child. As a parent/carer you play a key role in helping your child to manage the school-home learning-life balance for their wellbeing and ensure that your child makes the most of his/her educational opportunities in order to be high-achieving.

Why is home learning so important?

  • Completing home learning regularly and conscientiously helps your child make more progress.
  • Completing home learning can be equal to an additional year’s schooling in the secondary phase.
  • Your child practises, consolidates and extends skills and knowledge learned in school.
  • Your child makes use of learning resources in the home and the community that are not available within school.
  • Your child takes ownership and responsibility for their learning. This in turn will help your child to become an independent learner.
  • Your child also learns to organise and manage their time.
  • It introduces your child to forthcoming class work.
  • It helps teachers to monitor your child’s progress and understanding of recent class work.
  • It helps you to become involved in your child’s education and learn about the things they do at school.

Our commitment to you and your child

We have a school home learning policy and a school home learning timetable, which are reviewed in consultation with senior and middle leaders, governors, parents/carers and learners. We see home learning as an essential part of the school curriculum All members of the teaching staff are responsible for implementing this policy. Quality assurance procedures are in place to ensure that the quality and quantity of home learning set complies with the requirements of the policy and the home learning timetable. We need your support in ensuring your child understands the importance and relevance of home learning in their development. For learners who find learning at home challenging, there is support, resources and advice available, for example home learning clubs, in school (lunchtime or after school).

What is your role in home learning?

As your child grows older, more emphasis is placed upon encouraging them to learn independently. Your role remains important by ensuring that:

  • your child manages and copes with the home learning workload;
  • home learning is completed by the deadline;
  • if your child needs help with it, you offer assistance and understanding.


Ways to help your child with home learning

First and foremost, familiarise yourself with the school home learning policy and school home learning schedule which is in the curriculum handbook for your child’s year group. There are also two DfE documents below which provide invaluable guidance.

It is not essential that you sit down and give your child time each evening. You can display your interest in their schooling whenever you have time to talk with them. Praise, encouragement and a display of interest in your child’s home learning can go a long way. You can try and get a better understanding of what’s happening in school in a number of ways:

  • check your child’s personal organiser;
  • read letters sent home from school;
  • read the school newsletters;
  • visit the school whenever the opportunity arises. Look at the displays and examples of students’ work;
  • talk with teachers about your child’s work whenever the opportunity arises;
  • attend school open days/evenings;
  • attend subject workshops arranged for parents/carers;
  • should you be able to spare the time, respond to invitations to help out in school. This can be particularly rewarding and informative;
  • look out for articles on educational matters in the local and national press

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