Safeguarding at ATAM


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Safeguarding is a priority in our school.

Meet our Senior Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Telephone 0208 252 9831

Raj Sahota Background Removed

Mr R Sahotra 

Senior Deputy designated safeguarding lead


Telephone: 020 8252 9831




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Ms J McAllister

Deputy designated safeguarding lead

Telephone 0208 252 9831


Mr O Yates

Director of learning, Deputy designated safeguarding lead

Telephone 0208 252 9831

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Mr G Allen

Director of learning & Deputy designated safeguarding lead

Telephone 0208 252 9831



Mrs M Virk 

Trust Designated Safeguarding Lead


Telephone: 01902 925390






Mr S Shoker

Safeguarding Trustee

Our Safeguarding Trustee is Mrs Susan Jackson who can be contacted on: 

Susan Jackson

Ms S Jackson



ATAM Academy’s Safeguarding statement:

ATAM Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and requires all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. 


What we do to safeguard students at ATAM Academy;

Pastoral support:

  • Students assigned a tutor to take an especial interest in them
  • Strong pastoral system to support students’ welfare
  • Close liaison with parents/carers
  • An established ethos of encouraging students to speak to staff about problems either their own or their friends’
  • Student Support Worker to support students with emotional needs
  • Clinical Psychologist time purchased by the school to support students’ good mental health
  • Programmes to support identified students’ emotional well-being e.g. managing emotions, building positive relationships, managing pressure
  • Referrals made to outside agencies if support is needed beyond the expertise available in school.


Clear expectations and action to maintain a safe environment:

  • Policies and practices covering: safeguarding and child protection including self-harm and radicalisation, e-safety, health and safety, anti-bullying, racism, discrimination and whistle-blowing
  • Comprehensive behaviour policy and systematic and graduating sanction and reward systems
  • Supervised student dismissal at the end of the day and the local area is monitored by senior staff
  • Close monitoring of student attendance with calls to parents/carers if students are absent or late without prior notice
  • Safer recruitment practice followed and security checks made on all staff employed and volunteers working in the school
  • Staff receive regular safeguarding training; four members of staff trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads
  • Close working relationship with the schools’ police


Educating students

  • LEARNING FOR LIFE (PSHE) lessons covering safeguarding issues e.g. anti-bullying, assertive behaviour, e-safety, healthy relationships
  • A variety of safety messages delivered to students via assemblies and in the weekly student form time


Safety and Security on site:

  • Secure site needing security pass entry
  • Security cameras in the playground and corridor
  • Filtered internet access
  • Monitoring and checking anything accessed or written on school computer/ICT devices, following up on any concerns
  • Risk assessments carried out for offsite activities and for students with specific difficulties
  • First aiders in the school, covering Primary and Secondary areas
  • Staff and students wear identification badges


Key Contacts

Child Protection and Assessment Team (CPAT)


Tel:  020 8708 3885 (weekdays)

Emergency Duty Team (EDT) Tel:     020 8708 5897 (evenings and weekends)

Families Together Hub E-mail:

Tel:   0208 708 2611 Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Team


Tel:  0208 708 9535

Emergency – Police – if child or young person is in immediate danger Tel:  999 


Safeguarding Policy

Child on Child Abuse Policy (Anti bullying policy)

E-Safety policy